Do you think you need a green thumb to grow your food? That assumption might apply if you were to grow ornamental flowers. You can grow your veggies successfully by letting nature do it its way in your garden.
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Observe the type of weeds that grow in your garden. Chances are vegetables in the same families would grow as well.
Find out weeds that are edible in your garden and allow them to be a part of your garden. Those are free food nature is providing you. If you let them grow and they seem to overtake the space, that means you are not eating them fast enough. Dry some , freeze some for winter use. You can also cut and mulch with. They have nutrients and minerals that would feed your vegetables as they decompose right in your garden. No need to have a compost pile aside. Compost right in your garden. I don’t have compost bin. I mulch with woodchips and dry leaves. I add my food scraps no meat included in the garden. It doesn’t look great at first but they break down quickly.
For two years now I incorporated lambsquarter to my garden. It self sows. This year I discovered garlic mustard also called wild garlic. I cooked it a lot in Spring as a green or garlic substitute. In summer I was busy spreading the seeds around my garden and forgot to harvest some seeds for spice.
Grow perennials: List all the vegetables you like to eat and find their perennials substitute. If you like spinach, many perennial greens can be cooked as spinach such as French Sorrel. Most vegetables we eat are annuals or treated as annuals. Annual vegetables require a lot of attention, water and food in the soil to grow well. In my opinion they don’t require a green thumb but a babysitter. You can still grow them but at the same time invest your time in perennial vegetables. They are slow growers at first. You can watch them grow while you eat your annuals.
Every year I invest in few perennial vegetables and annuals that self sow. This year I purchased seeds in bulk and mainly annual vegetables. I didn’t have excess vegetables at the end of the season but we ate quite a bit of greens and I saved more seeds than I purchased originally. As perennial, I planted lovage this year. Its leaves and stalk would be used as celery. I planted Sylvetta arugula and regular arugula. Sylvetta is perennial and regular arugula is a self seeder. We shall see how they thrive in my garden. I planted perennial onion called yellow potato onion. I harvested a lot in summer and replanted most of them in fall. I might sell some bulbs next harvest in our Online Store.
Grow your vegetables by seeds. Most of them can be sown directly in the ground no need to start them in a tray. If you leave in cold area, it is advised to start tomato, pepper, and eggplant indoor. It saves money to grow your vegetables by seeds.
This year I sowed directly in the ground lettuce, spinach, green bean, peas, carrot, beet, swiss chard, broccoli, kale, collard, cabbage. My late cabbage variety didn’t set head before winter. But I am fine with that. My broccoli didn’t set flower this year. Since it is a biennial, it might set flower next year. I used the leaves in my cooking. I started tomato and pepper indoor.
In spring I purchased many tomato, pepper, and eggplants plants from a local nursery.
My tomatoes started indoor produced as much as the tomatoes plants purchased. My pepper plants started indoor outperformed the pepper plants purchased. The eggplant plants purchased didn’t produce at all. I saved my own seeds and would start my nightshades indoor for next season. I won’t buy the plants from the nursery.
If you have a place to garden, just give it a try and put some seeds in the ground. Water it. They would grow. Know what you are planting, your planting zone, the right time to plant, and you are good to go.
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