Avocado was on sale for $0.49 each at a grocery store in my area. I purchased 7 of them. We got eggs from farm raised chickens for $0.65 a dozen. We purchased the buns on sale at about $1.87. They are French Steak Rolls-24 count for $3.97 originally. I get them at the bakery side of the grocery store when they go on sale and store them in my freezer. I also purchase Wheat Sub Rolls-6 count. They go on sale for $1.42 instead of $2.74 their original price. I fed my family of seven this meal for dinner and have leftover for my lunch at work the next day. The onion came from my garden and are Yellow Potato Onion. Sometimes I plan my meal around what is on sale in the groceries stores’ weekly ads. This is one of these instances. For $6.60 (0.49*7+0.65*2+1.87), I served my family a dinner they all enjoyed even the kids. I didn’t include the cost of items I have in my pantry like salt, sugar, vinegar. But I didn’t use all the buns either and I have leftover avocado for lunch the next day.
Avocado Sandwich
7 Avocadoes
24 Eggs hard boiled
1/2 cup Extra virgin Olive Oil
3 tbsp. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tbsp. Sugar
1 tbsp. Salt
1 tbsp. Diced Onion
4 French Steak Rolls / adult or 2 Wheat Sub Rolls / adult
Wash the avocado. Cut in four. Remove the skin and the pit. Cut into cubes to a big bowl.
An hour prior to start putting the salad together, add the eggs to a pot and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes. Turn the heat off. Let it cool in the same water with the pot covered.
After an hour, remove the lid, drain and add cool water. Shell the eggs.
Rinse them and diced the eggs reserving 4 yolks for the dressing.
Add the diced eggs to the avocado cubes.
In a bowl, add the four yolks. Use a spoon to break them. Add the diced onion. Add the sugar and salt. Add the vinegar and the oil. Stir to mix well. Add more oil if needed. Add the dressing the avocado and eggs.
Preheat the oven at 400 degree F. Bake the buns for few minutes or until they are warm and crunchy outside. Remove them from the oven.
To serve, slice the bread lengthwise to open. Fill inside of the bread with the avocado salad. Serve on a plate. Expect an adult to eat at least 3 avocado sandwiches.