For the third week of May, I found potatoes on sale to purchase $1.77/ 8 Lbs. bag. It is not the best selling price. I usually stock up when it is on sale for $0.99/ 5 Lbs. bag.
I have not cooked potatoes for a while and profited to purchase 3 bags. I laid the potatoes in boxes I collected from Aldi. Their boxes used in the cooled vegetables section are sturdy and good to store potatoes. As I pulled boxes to lay the potatoes, I remarked that I have potatoes in stock and totally forgot. I longed to cook my Egg and Cream Cheese Potatoes Soup and though I was out of potatoes! I was surprised to find 6 boxes laid one on top of the other containing 5 lbs. of potatoes each. They were so neatly stacked up that I thought they were empty. The potatoes have been there for over two months and are in good shape.
Banana was on sale as well for $0.29/lb. On Saturday May 18, my husband purchased about 35 pounds.
We also purchased 2 bags of French steak rolls on sale for sandwich. I stored the breads in the freezer.
On Tuesday May 21, 2019, My husband purchased an additional 35lbs. of bananas as that was the last day of the sales.
For one of my daughter’s first communion celebration on Sunday, my husband purchased a cake on sale at Walmart and asked the baker to decorate it. The cake cost originally $18.98 and was on sale for $9.49. We purchased Aldi ice cream to go with it. I made my Sausage and Ground Beef Sandwich using the French rolls purchased on sale. The kids enjoyed our lunch party and it didn’t cost me much. Two other family members joined us for the celebration. In the evening, I cooked Ground Beef wrap (eggrolls) which the kids enjoyed as well although they were full from our late lunch as they ate a lot of cake and ice cream.
We have not purchased banana for a while. The Kids and I have been snacking on it so much. They were mostly ripe and I thought I would have to make banana bread before they go bad. But I didn’t think that would be necessary. I added it to my kids’ school lunch as well. We still have apple in the crisper from a previous sale. I might make banana and chocolate chips muffin or bread as I have chocolate chips in stock, and a lot of egg. My in-laws joined us for the celebration on Sunday and brought us 20 dozens of eggs from their farm for $1/ dozen. The $20 we paid came from our meat budget. Having that much eggs and potatoes, I could make meals including: Hard Boiled Eggs and Sorrel Salad, Cream Cheese and Egg Potato Soup, Ground Beef Potato, Plain rice, Omelet, and Olive Oil. For the salad, I use greens from my garden including edible weeds. For the soup I have cream cheese in the freezer from a previous sale. For the ground beef potato, I have about 200lbs. of ground beef in my chest freezer. We got it from in-laws’ farm at $1/lb. for butcher fee. I can put tasty meals on table for my family without spending a lot of money. It just takes some planning.
By Monday evening, May 27, 2019, we were out of banana. We ate within two weeks 70.51 lbs. of bananas. I froze 2 over ripe. I didn’t make banana bread or muffin. The banana cost us $20.45.
Week four
We didn’t find any fruit or grocery items marked down enough to purchase.
We continued to snack on banana. Even though the bananas were ripe when purchased, I kept them in the basement and only brought upstairs the one we needed for the day. By keeping them in the basement, they didn’t overripe. We spent for the first four weeks of May, about $41 in fruit out of $80 set aside for fruit for the month of May. I put $20 out of the $80 in another envelope as a saving from fruit since the beginning of May. There is $20 left out of the remaining $60. By the end of May any balance remaining in the fruit envelop for the month of May would be added to the original $20 set aside.
Even though the 4th week, we didn’t shop for sale, our garden yield a lot of produce I prepped and stocked up the freezer. Read more here.