The garden is doing well. Saturday June 8th, 2019 the kids harvested about half gallon of strawberries in the front yard garden. The next day they harvested again for their own snack while I was cooking lunch. They also harvested honeyberries. From the back yard they harvested alpine strawberries. While the kids harvested alpine strawberries, I harvested vegetables for our salad lunch including sorrel, dandelion, chives, kale, creeping Charlie, and wild mustard. The rain slowed and many vegetables flowered: arugula, chives, Egyptian onion, parsnip, and horseradish. Two plants of asparagus didn’t come back this year. Raspberry is about to flower. Honeyberry is ripping. Currant plants set fruit. I hung to dry English mint. Elderberry is blooming in the front and backyard. Autumn olive bloom but didn’t set fruit. American persimmon might flower. Mulberry is fruiting. Concord grapes both seeded and seedless are setting fruit. The seedless one set fruit for the first time. A wild grape is setting fruit as well. The other seedless varieties vines didn’t survive the winter. They are growing back from the base. The Chicago fig is coming back from the ground. It doesn’t survive our zone 5 winter. Every winter it dies back to the ground and comes back the following late spring. Something spread sunchockes roots throughout the garden at the back.
In spring I couldn’t find roots to dig and thought they were all eaten. Now they are growing in two areas of the garden I didn’t plant them. I stopped harvesting Egyptian onion from the garden and just cook without onion. I froze many bags of it this spring but they would be for winter use. Two purple plants of potatoes are growing in the front yard. I have planted them three years ago and didn’t dig them out. The garlic plants are growing well as well. I harvested some leaves chopped and froze for winter use. I planted them three years ago and they are being coming back. I let them go to seed and spread them across the garden.