Potato, turkey, grape and apple have been on sale in my area and I was able to purchase some even after I spent quite a bit on the kids. We spent a total of $218.62 in groceries during the 3rd week of November as follow:
Week 3 Purchases: $218.62
Kids: $133.95
Kids’ winter gears (Target and Walmart): $133.95
Non Food: $1.67
Drain Guard (Walmart): $1.67
Food: $25.51
1 gal. Milk (Aldi): $2.17
8-8oz. Cream cheese (Aldi on sale for $0.99): $7.92
Sour cream (Aldi): $1.49
7-15lbs. Russet Potato (Fare-Way on sale for $1.99/15lbs bag—original sold for $5.49): $13.93, discount of $24.50
Fruit: $24.50
Grape and Apple (Aldi—Grape @ $0.88/lb. and Gala @ $0.68/lb.): $9.60
Apple (Aldi-Gala @ $0.68/lb.): $14.90
Meat: $8.49
Turkey (Aldi on sale @ $0.59/lb.): $8.49
Potato was on sale two weeks before Thanksgiving and I purchased 7 bags. I have purchased some before as well. I have 210 lbs. of potatoes in stock. 15 lbs. for $1.99 has been the best deal so far. My stock up price is $0.99 for 5 lbs. bag.
I have spent a lot on kids’ winter items including boots, gloves, sweat pants and shirts. That used most of my grocery money. I even used meat and fruit money to be able to afford their winter gears. Walmart didn’t have boots and my husband purchased the girls’ boots at Target. Each one costs about $30.
We purchased more apples this weekend. I made apple pie and apple sauce to use up some of the apple we have in the fridge and freed more space for the fruit we purchased. I served fruit salad (made with grape, apple, and sugar) along with dinners over the weekend and the kids took some to school for their snack few times during the week.
I don’t cook turkey on Thanksgiving. However, when I saw the price Aldi has it, I asked my husband to purchase one. I put it in the freezer for a later use.
At the beginning of this winter, having 210 lbs. of potatoes in the basement, 50 lbs. bag of pinto bean, 50 lbs. bag of wheat berries, and 50 lbs. bag of rice in my pantry, a freezer half way full of meat, and a freezer full of vegetables home grown and purchased, makes me feel like I am prepared for winter and have enough food to feed my family if we cannot get out to go shopping.
What about you? How are preparing for winter?