Sweet potato has been the best deals I found in the 4th week of November. If your family likes it, stock up on it while it is still on sale in your area. Sweet potato is packed with antioxidants, low in calorie and high in complex carbohydrates.
Food Expenses: $43 Discount of $1
105.03 lbs. Sweet Potatoes (Fare-Way @0.28/lb.): $29.41
4-10lbs. Potato (Aldi 10lbs. bag for $1.69): $6.76
1 lb. Sour Cream: (Aldi): $1.49
1 lb. Butter Quarters (Aldi): $1.99 Discount of $1
1 gal. 2% Milk (Aldi): $2.16
Jalapeno (Walmart $1.48/lb.):$1.19
Non-Food: $0.50
Pencil Sharpener (Walmart): $0.50
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Sweet potato was on sale at 3 different grocery stores. Aldi sold it for $0.59/lb. Their ad showed slender sweet potatoes. Hy-Vee sold it for $0.58/lb. Their sweet potato looked big. I decided to purchase it from Hy-Vee until I saw Fare-Way ad which has it for $0.28/lb. I planned on buying $30 worth but was not sure we will find it half week after the ads started since the price was so low. I told my husband to purchase it at Fare-Way and in case they are out he could purchase it at Hy-Vee. Fortunately, he was able to purchase $29 of sweet potato at Fare-Way at $0.28/lb.
Sweet potato lasts very well in storage. It could last months in my basement without any special treatment. Sweet potato is a good vegetable rich in beta carotene. I couldn’t grow it successfully in my garden. Therefore, I am glad I was able to find it on sale and stocked up. In the Doctors’ Books of Food Remedies written by Selene Yeager, sweet potato is high in antioxidants including beta carotene, vitamins C and E which can help prevent cancer and heart disease. It is low in calorie (117 calories in 4 ounces) and has complex carbohydrates that can help control weight. (Page 611, 2007).
Although I have over 200 lbs. of potatoes in stock, we purchased 40 lbs. of potatoes at Aldi at $1.69 for 10 Lbs. As long as potato is less than $0.99/5 lbs., I planned on buying a month worth so that I keep my stock well into spring.
I went over my $250 grocery budget by the 3rd week of November. To purchase the sales items, I took $40 from $125 I put aside from grocery money at the start of November as a saving for irregular expenses. It was worth it for the sweet potato deal that I found.
I wish you and your love ones a Happy Thanksgiving!
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