You can cut costs by revising your cosmetics budget. When you switch to natural alternatives or products you already have in your kitchen, not only you would save money, your skin would feel healthier also.
Makeups: Since 2018, I stopped using makeup. My pores feel unclogged and breathe better. I don’t stain my shirt with my makeup any longer. By midday, I don’t feel like my makeup is running. I could touch my face and not staining papers on my desk.
Body Lotion: I stopped buying lotion for myself and the kids. We just use organic coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil on our skin. During winter we use cocoa butter or shea butter or coconut oil.
Body Wash: I don’t purchase body wash of any king anymore. I make lye soap and everyone in the house uses it to shower, to wash hands, and to wash dishes.
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Manicure: I don’t go to professionals to get my nails done. I used to polish my nails myself. I have stopped doing it for at least two years. When my kids were little, I would stop polishing my nails to avoid nail polisher residues in the food as I feed them with my hands or they like to suck on anything including my fingers. Sometimes I feel like they breathe the smell of the nail polisher or the remover when they are next to me while I polished my nails. For these reasons I would stop polishing my nails until they are few years old. After sometimes, I just stopped using my nail polishers completely. I donated most of them and kept one or two but I have not used them ever since I made the decision to stop using them. I just clip my nails short and I am good to go. I don’t know how much of residues go in our blood stream when we apply nail polish on our nails therefore, I decided to not use them anymore. It already saves me money.
Pedicure: I don’t go to professionals to get my feet clean. I use a grater to remove dead skin off my heels times to times.
Hair Shampoo and Conditioner: I have stopped purchasing shampoo and conditioner for my hair for over 6 years now. I use baking soda and white vinegar once a week. I rinse my hair daily during shower and my hair has been doing great.
Hair straightener: When I was pregnant with my first child, I stopped straightening my hair with chemicals as it can go in the blood stream. After I gave birth, I went back to straighten my hair. When I was pregnant with my second child, I decided to stopped applying chemicals to my hair and let it grow natural. I have coil hair and I am proud of it. I don’t see the point of damaging it with chemicals. Straightening my hair made it easy to comb and style. However, with my sensitive scalp, there was not a time, the chemical didn’t burn me. My hair is very coarse and leaving the products in my hair passed the required time didn’t relax it as I desired. It would just burn my scalp sometimes very bad. In addition to that, these chemicals made my hair brittle, and I have to use other hair products to wash it, detangle, oil it and deep condition it. The shampoo left my hair tangled and the conditioner detangled it. The conditioner and the oils I used left residues on my scalp making it feels dirty after few days. When I started switching to natural products, I gave up these chemicals and have been keeping my hair natural ever since. My natural hair is hard to comb but I am proud of it and learn to manage it.
I don’t know why the society pressures us women to wear makeup to look beautiful to our men when we don’t pressure men to wear makeup to look handsome to us. I embraced my flaws and just go about my day. In the morning, after shower it is very easy for me to get ready for work while I get the kids ready for school.
If your makeup makes you feel good about yourself, you can still wear it, but know that if your review your line of cosmetics products, you would find room to cut costs and increase your saving.