If your full time job doesn’t compensate you well or doesn’t meet all your criterial to be your perfect job but you like your job and your coworkers, you don’t need to quit for another job. Your new company would have another set of struggles to overcome whether it is the job itself, the coworkers, or the level of stress, it may not be worth the higher salary. You could stay at your current job and create your own business on the side. List your passions, your skills, and your hobbies. Choose a  business idea and model you could create around your passions, skills, and hobbies to fill the void you have from your current job and over time could be generate revenue.

That has been my journey. It took me 10 years to find a full time job related to my degree. Before that, I worked a different part time jobs including being a self-employed.  When I was hired, I was offered a low salary but didn’t negotiate it. I wanted it to start to see if I would like the job. If you are in the same situation, negotiate your base salary from the start. Your base salary would determine your salary level throughout your stay at the same company. Few years later I applied for a higher open position and was accepted. I was offered a salary that I negotiated it. In the mean time I applied and got interviewed elsewhere. I was determined to leave my company for a higher salary elsewhere. My boss was nice and after back and forth discussion, I was offered a much higher salary but still lower than what I asked for. I would point out that if you are hired and are offered a salary you want to negotiate, offer your employer a range to choose from. Make the lowest salary to be what you are comfortable to receive. By giving a range, you force your employer to choose from that range. I made the mistake of proposing a dollar amount. They counter offer with a lower salary and I took it. I like my job and people that I work with. After reflecting on what I like about my previous jobs, I came down with a list of my expectations, my skills, and passions. I realized that instead of leaving the job that I like, for another one that I don’t know what to expect, I could fill the void or where my job fell short to meet my expectations with a side job where I would  combine my passions, skills and hobbies to generate income overtime. I created my website and too recently my YouTube channel to share my knowledge with others. I like to learn and teach. Using these two platforms allow me to reach people all over who I could share my knowledge with and learn from. If overtime I could generate revenues through these platforms that would be even better. I would have combined my passions, skills, and hobbies to create one or more streams of income.

When starting out, you might need to do a lot of work in your business yourself until it starts to generate revenue. It would help avoid going into debt just in case your business doesn’t take off and you have to try another one. Also by doing a lot yourself you would be able to know how your business functions and write a documentation to train your team when you can afford one to do the tasks you want to assign. Even when you travel your business would continue to run. You would be able to work on the business and not in it. But until then, you have to manage your time wisely between your full time job, your engagement at home as spouse, parent, home owner, and your new venture.

Instead of climbing the corporate latter and increase the level of stress in your life, in your own business, you could call yourself anything you want.


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You can check the Kindle edition  or the Audiobook currently free with Audible subscription.


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