If you are on a tight budget or are trying to live well below your means, it is crucial you minimize the amount of food you or your household put in the trash. Wasting food is like throwing cash in the trash. Few ways to minimize food waste include:
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- Prep vegetables into freezer bags and freeze them: When you need to use a vegetable in your cooking you would have saved yourself the prep time and go retrieve the vegetable in your freezer.
- Have one gallon container or a quart jar in the freezer and store small portions of cooked meat you have left in the fridge. You could use these leftover meats in your soup. To the container you could add small portion of stews, homemade pizza sauce or spaghetti sauce leftovers.
- Avoid cooking a large portion of carbohydrates including rice and pasta. Cook the amount you need for a meal and probably some leftover for the next day lunch to take to work should be enough. Rice and pasta left in the fridge for days can dry out and don’t look appealing to eat. Rice and pasta don’t take much time to cook. If you have cooked meat in the fridge and extra virgin olive oil in your pantry, you could easily cook rice or pasta within 30 minutes, the time it would take you to remove your work clothes and chat a little bit with everybody about their day. Once your rice or pasta is cooked, you serve the meat in a dish and warm it up in the microwave. Then you add the rice or pasta to it and drizzle olive oil on it and you are ready to eat dinner. Every adult in the house could do the same and you only have to serve yourself and the kids.
- More often than not, try to cook meat separately from your meals and store the cooked meat in the fridge. Cook dishes that would use the meat on the side. Meat could take longer to cook and having leftover in the fridge could save you cooking time as you only have to cook the carb or the vegetables that would be served with the meat.
- When you cook a big batch of stew, store some in canning jars and store in your freezer. That way your household won’t be tied of eating the same stew all week long. You would avoid the risk of letting the stew stay in your fridge for weeks and go moldy. Stews can take longer to cook and requires using quite a bit of vegetables. Don’t let your hard work go to waste.
- If you have onion on the counter going bad, chop it up and freeze in a freezer bag.
- Serve small portions to little kids to avoid waste.
- Even though you are trying to avoid food waste, when kids are sick and didn’t finish their food it is ok to throw their leftovers away. Keeping their leftovers in the fridge could contain germs and you don’t want them to contaminate themselves again by eating these leftovers.
- Finally, if you have to throw a food away and you have a vegetable garden, make sure there is no meat in your waste and put it in your garden to feed organisms in the soil. It would break down quickly.
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