• This spring and summer try to grow some of your own vegetables to eat healthier and save money. Grow food not lawn on your property.
  • Plant vegetables you eat to prevent unexpected food shortage in emergency.
  • If you own a house, plant a fruit garden. Think of planting fruit trees this spring. Fruit trees take time to start to produce but would overtime yield you organic fruit and save you money. We have a mini orchard on our property.  Our fruit garden includes fruit trees like apple, pear, plum, apricot, peach, American persimmon, pawpaw, mulberry, cherry, currants, elderberry, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, goumi, and grapes. Some are producing and some are still young.
  • Eat your weeds: Know wild plants on your property and harvest the edible ones. We planted a lot of perennials vegetables but we eat our weeds as well. We harvest wild plants on our property for eating including dandelion, creeping Charlie, lambs quarter, wild garlic…. We freeze them as well for our winter use.
  • Improve your food storage: Purchase a chest freezer to store your garden harvest this season.

We cannot rely on grocery stores for our food. We need to grow some of it. Grow your own food even if you live in the city.

I grow perennial vegetables so that year around I have food in my garden to feed my family. This season, I might post contents about my garden to show, you can grow your own vegetables even if you have a busy schedule.

Don’t be afraid of the news regarding Corona virus but have at least a month worth of food in your pantry to avoid running out of it. People are panicking and everyone is stocking up at the same time. It is time to go through your grocery inventory and stock up on things you are low in.

Build Your Food Supply on Budget-Grow Food Not Lawn to prevent unexpected food shortage in Emergency by Liberman Consulting L.L.C.