I started YouTube channel at the end on December 7, 2019. By March 6, 2020 I have 9 subscribers and 1,926 views and 155.2 watch hours.
I didn’t do anything to promote my channel other than posting some of my videos in my blog posts. I don’t have any social media account. I opened Pinterest account few days ago and am not done with the registration process.
My YouTube channel doesn’t target a small niche. Just like my blog, I publish videos and blog posts to capture all the different aspects of our mission.
Our mission is to let people like me an employee know that we should not spend all our income every moth.
We should spend less and put the rest to work by paying off our debts, investing, and creating our own business to increase our net worth.
To be able to spend less, we grow some of your own vegetables,
we shop on sale,
we budget and track our income and expenses every month,
we have side business we manage ourselves to lower our business cost,
we pay extra toward our debts,
we invest in our businesses.
Therefore, every month, I publish contents on some of these categories.
I don’t use tools to look for key words.
How I choose Titles and tags for my YouTube videos
I write the title the way I like and put in google search in bracket and look for the following:
- I would see suggested questions in the search widow as I type and write down the one that are relevant to my topic.
- I would look at the results for the words in bracket and note the number down.
- I would continue until I have enough tags related to the topic and I would choose the ones with low results to create my title. I like to go for results that are less than 10 if necessary and sometime 0 if some people asked that question.
For the staples contents of my videos I tend to keep the title the same and change the month.
As I am searching tags in March to make sure I am using the right tag and save them for each category I post, I noticed that keywords that few months ago Google said 0 result now my posts and videos ranked first on Google page for these keywords. For other keywords that have more than 100 results, my videos rank first on Google page for some of them as well.
If you are a content creator and are looking for keyword that could increase your ranking on google, I just want to share with you how my YouTube videos, my websites, and images rank on Google first page for. Keep in mind that my keywords may not be searched for a lot in a month, but I am certain that when they are searched, the person might be someone in need of that information and would find the result to his or her question.
Below are few keywords are entered in Google search for which I rank first on Google page:
How to rank first on google page
- “budget and monthly expense tracker” searched in Google showed 3,850 results. Many of my YouTube videos, my images, and at least one of my blog posts rank on Google first page.
- “budget and monthly expense” searched in Google displayed 24,000 results. 3 of my YouTube videos ranked first on Google page.
Get first page rank on google

- “budget and monthly expense spreadsheet” searched in Google revealed 7 results. And they are all mine contents.
- “grocery list on a low budget” showed 3 results and 2 videos of my YouTube videos are on the first page of Google.

- “how to budget for grocery” displayed 6,780 results and only my video is displayed on the first page of Google.
How to increase page ranking on google?

- I post once a month using the same keyword in my YouTube Videos title and description. Since I share personal finance, I need to update it every month. I keep the title the same with minor change to differentiate on month from the other.
That seems to increase my ranking for these keywords.
How to improve your page ranking on google?
- I would suggest you post often around the same keywords and mention the keywords in your YouTube description or the body of your blog post and in the title. My YouTube and blog post ranked on Google first page have either the keywords in the title and the description or in the description.
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