Contributing in your employer 401K is like earning 100% monthly return on your contribution every month.
Invest in your employer 401K if your employer matches it.
That is 100% return every month on your contribution you don’t want to miss. Don’t borrow from your future to pay for your past expenses.
To pay off your debts quicker, trim your current expenses to have extra money to apply toward debts.
In our case we reduced our monthly expenses from $1,340 to $1,064 to free cash to apply toward a recent $15,000 credit card debt. My husband and I contribute toward our 401k.
I have 200% guaranteed return on my contribution every month. My employer contributes $2 for every $1 I contribute.
Few years ago we decided to stop investing in our brokerage and Roth IRA accounts and reduced our monthly expenses to live on one of our income. We used the other income to pay off our debts including credit cards debts, car loan, and student loan. But we contributed to our employers 401 K to the maximum they would match even while we were paying off debts.
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