My husband told me not to long ago that we don’t spend time together watching tv like old times.

I told him; we don’t make money watching TV. Time to sit in the coach doing nothing are gone. He is a shareholder of the business, but he is not willing to put in the time. Therefore, I must do everything myself. He likes some of our ventures but doesn’t care for some of them. I remind myself it is idea not his, so I am fine with. I believe we need to work hard now than later. Income from our jobs is not a sustainable way to build wealth.  I told him that it is going to be like that for some years until the business is off the ground, we could bring a team in and decrease my work hours. But the issue is not that I spend a lot of time in my business. I have a full time job that take 8 hours of my time a day. I set goals to spend 4 hours a day on my business which is difficult to achieve. If I could not spend 4 hours a day on my business, I cannot sit down watching TV.

We both have parents who are not well financially prepared for retirement and we have our kids to pay for their college degree, and we have our own retirement to prepare in addition to putting food on our table every day. Our parents are not in financial need at the moment, but my parent believe I should give them money very month which I don’t do. When any one of our parents are in need, I want us to be able to help.  “You can not help the poor by being one of them” Abraham Lincoln

What sacrifice can you make to reach your goal? Are you willing to live with regret or guilt?

If you start a business and face criticism from people around you, there is not right or wrong. It all depends on the choice you could live with.

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