Does softneck garlic grow bulbils?
Yes, soft neck garlic (Allium sativum) grows bulbils. They do not grow a scape or a stalk to support their bulbils.
They grow leaves a few inches above the ground. They grow a stalk at the bottom of the leaves. Where the stalk and the leaves met a few inches above the ground, soft neck garlic carries their bulbils at the junction.
They do not carry a lot of bulbils, but they are bigger than hard neck bulbils.
How to plant soft neck bulbils?

You can harvest them from the stalk and find a part of your garden you want them to grow. Dig a little whole and plant the bulbils a few inches apart.
You can plant them in summer as you spot them. When it is the right time to sprout, they will come from dormancy and start to grow at some point in fall.
Growing garlic as a perennial
Soft neck garlic and hard neck garlic are perennials and can be grown as a perennial.
Soft neck and hard neck garlic can be left in the ground year-round.
Softneck garlic is ready to harvest early in Summer before harneck garlic.
When to harvest garlic bulbils?
If you have both in the garden and plant to harvest both at the same time, the softneck garlic leaves might turn brown and blend in with your mulch making it hard to locate when the hard neck garlic is ready for you to harvest both.
If you want to leave the bulbs in the ground and you don’t plant to break them out to replant, you can just leave them alone and look for the bulbils to harvest and replant.
Growing garlic as a perennial to save money on groceries.
If you want to start a garden to eat healthy and save money on groceries, you can plant perennial vegetables, herbs, and spices, hardy to your zone. Soft neck garlic can be planted as a perennial spice. You leave them in the ground year around. You can dig the bulb in the ground in summer. Then you break them apart into cloves and replant them right away in the spot you want them. They will remain dormant until the right time in fall when they will start to grow. You can propagate the in-ground bulbs and you can replant the bulbils as well to increase your garlic patch.
Over time you will have enough garlic plants in your garden.
Are garlic leaves edible?
You can harvest the leaves to spice your cooking and leave the bulbs in the ground year around. You might be able to cross garlic from your grocery list saving few dollars you can allocate toward a food staple you do not grow.
Mulching Garlic patch
You can mulch your garlic plants in fall with fall leaves. You can also mulch them in spring with fall leaves or wood chips after they start to sprout in early spring. During the year, you can put food scraps in the garden to compost in place. They will break down fast, nourishing the ground. You feed the micro-organisms in your garden solid, and they in return feed your plants. When you mulch your garden, you don’t need to water your perennials vegetables, herbs, and spices. This saves you money on water. You mulch with free fall leaves, wood chips, wild plants in your garden, and food scraps.
Conclusion: Soft neck Garlic Bulbils-Grow Garlic as a Perennial
The video shows an example of a Polish white soft neck garlic’s bulbils on 7-31-2022.
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