You can harvest the Egyptian walking onions top onion bulbils for eating starting in June in zone 5A.
You can harvest the mother bulb from the ground for eating in July and August in zone 5A.
You can harvest the onion bulbils for planting at the end of July.
You can harvest the mother onion bulbs from the ground for planting or transplanting at the end of July.
When should I pick my walking onions?
There are 2 factors I like to consider when deciding the right time to harvest Egyptian walking onion bulbils.
You can harvest Egyptian walking (Allium proliferum) top onions when the onions stalk starts to turn brown or when the mother onions start to grow green onions from the ground in late summer. In zone 5A, it is around mid-July to mid-August.
How do you know when your Egyptian onions are ready to harvest?

You can harvest the mother onion from the ground in summer when they are done feeding the top onions and before bulbs in the ground start to grow green leaves in early fall. In zone 5A, it is around mid-July to mid-August. Sometimes, by mid-August some of the bulbs from the ground will start to grow green onions.
It is better to pay attention to your plants in the garden to make harvesting and replanting decisions instead of the months of the year. Sometimes, some of the Egyptian walking onions can start to grow green onion in summer instead of beginning of fall due to climate change or microclimate in your garden.
When is the best time to harvest Egyptian walking top onions?
There are 2 ways to determine the right time to harvest the top onions:
If there is new growth from the ground, that is a sign you can harvest the top onion to replant. The mother onion is done feeding the top onion and is ready to start growing new shoot from the ground. It is the right time in fall to harvest the baby top onions to replant.
Second, when the onion stalk is turning brown, or yellow, that is a sign the top onions are done feeding from the mother onion. The stalk is not carrying nutrients from the mother bulbs to the bulbils on top. They can be harvested to replant. You can eat some as well.
When to plant Egyptian onion bulbils?

You don’t need to wait for all the onion stalks to turn brown to harvest the bulbils. Once you notice most of the stalks are brown, you can start harvesting the bulbils and start planting them.
If you purchased Egyptian onion bulbils in summer for planting in zone 5 A, plant them right at the end of summer or beginning of fall.
Egyptian walking onion edible
Egyptian onion is in the same family as regular onion. It is edible. You can use it as regular onion in raw eating and in cooking.
The video was recorded on August 13th, 2022. You can see that the onion stalks bent down and most of them are fading and touching the ground. Where they touch the ground, the onions will root there and stay to grow. If you don’t want them to naturally touch the ground, you should harvest the top bulbs from the stalks when the stalks turn yellow and replant the onions if you know where you want to plant them.
Planting Egyptian walking onion bulbs
You don’t need to wait for fall to plant them, when you notice the top onions are ready in your garden, you can start harvesting them and replant.
In our zone 5a, Egyptian walking onion bulbils tend to be ready by mid-August for harvest. I replant them around the same time. The mother bulbs start growing green onions early fall getting ready for winter.
You could pay attention to your garden and over time you will know the right time to plant Egyptian walking onion bulbs in your garden.
Egyptian onion does well when left in the ground. Therefore, you could harvest the top onions to replant when you are ready to plant. Egyptian onion dries out quickly in storage. You can harvest some of the mother bulbs for eating but don’t harvest to keep in your storage for winter use.
If you start your garden to save money in groceries, perennial onions like Egyptian walking onion and chives are great perennial onions to grow in your garden.
Do you need to cut the onion stalk off Egyptian onions?
No, you don’t. Your garden looks neat when you cut the stalks off the mother onion.
However, it is not necessary. They break down easily once the mother onions start new growth from the ground in fall.

Conclusion: When to harvest Egyptian walking onions in summer in Zone 5A?
The video explains when we harvest Egyptian walking onions top bulbs in later summer in US garden zone 5A.
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