You choose 4 topic categories for your YouTube channel, blog, or for the year.

It could be categories of your interest or 4 of your best performing categories from the previous year.

Choose a subtopic by content category for the year.

If you plan to publish 1 content a week, search and record 13 content ideas for each subtopic.

You have 52 weeks of content.

If you plan to publish 2 contents a week, pick 1 to 2 subtopics and find 26 content ideas for each. This allows you to go deep in few topic categories and establish authorities within them quicker. It can also allow you to publish the second content of the week easily as you can batch create the thumbnails ahead of time.

Going deeper into a topic will allow you to create shorter videos as you will be answering specific questions or 1 question per video as you drill down.

How to create 1 year content schedule?

How to choose your content topic?

If you search an issue many times and cannot find the right answer easily and it is within your scope of content or site main topic, write down your questions and how you are able to solve the issue for yourself. It is a low result topic you can create content for. That is how Nina’s Soap started. I searched a lot about cloth diapers and couldn’t find a frugal way to cloth diaper my children. After I started to sew some for the kids, I decided to start my blog to put my experience out there to help others and to be grateful for the few results I was able to find when I started.

When you learn a new skill, take note of keywords you search to find information you are looking for. When you are done learning the skill, if you choose to teach others that skill through contents, create contents answering these questions you recorded. That allows you to create a library of information related to the skills you have, for other people to find.

How to find video content ideas using your YouTube channel?

Go through your YouTube analytics and download 1-year analytics.

Look at it and select 5 different contents among the first 10 best performing contents.

Alternatively, when you publish content, after a few weeks see how it performed. Set a certain number of minimum view targets. If it gets views for you, write it down in your calendar for next year’s content to reproduce and by which date if it is a seasonal topic. If it is evergreen content, search other questions people search about that topic for you to create contents about to cover the topic deep.

How to find video content ideas using your Blog?

Go to your blog website if you write articles.

Go to your blog Google analytics.

Download the topmost views pages.

Pick 5 categories contents among the top 10 best performing or most view pages.

How to find video content ideas using your Pinterest analytics?

Go to Pinterest if you use it for your content marketing.

Look at the analytics.

Pick the 5 topics among the top 10 best performing pins.

How to find video content ideas using your video comments (QA Record)?

Go to your questions and answers.

When you post contents and viewers ask you questions that you answer. If these questions are good to be made into content, copy, and save the questions and your answers. They are already contents you can develop into content to post later.

Pick 5 of them.

Choose 5 different topics.

Compare the 5 topics selection from YouTube analytics, Google analytics of your blog, Pinterest analytics, QA records.

If you have a topic that is performing well and is in each selection. Highlighted it. It is a topic you will select.

If you have different topics performing well in the selection, select one of each.

If your content covers different categories, you can decide if you want to focus one year on one category and create multiple contents on one category to cover it in depth or pick a topic from each category.

At the end select 5 topics in total from all the selections.

You will create 12 contents under each topic.

That will be a total of 60 contents if you publish article and video contents once a week. You need 52 contents minimum for 52 weeks in a year. For pins, if you pin once a day you need 360 pins for the 60 or 52 contents. That is at least 6 (360/52) pins to create per content. You can plan on 3 image pins and 3 video pins by content.

Google suggestion – People also ask.

Go to Google and type each topic you chose.

Open your content spreadsheet and record Google suggestion.

Record people also ask questions related to the topic you typed in Google search.

Click on people also asked questions drop down menus. It will add more questions to the list of people also ask questions.

Record the questions related to your topic that you can answer.

Pick a Google suggested subtopic and see what else is suggested or what else people ask and record.

Type your topic main keyword in Google search followed by an alphabet letter and record Google suggestions and people also ask questions that are related to your topic.

Once you record enough questions on a topic, sort them.

Sort content ideas

On your spreadsheet group the questions that are related or mean the same question, together. They are the tag for that topic.

Group your record into topics you can create content to answer a different question around your topic.

Make sure to have 10 different questions that cover different aspects of your topic. Some topics might have the same questions formulated differently. Group them together as 1 topic question. You can still create content using each one of the questions within the grouped topic questions as title. But that will be creating the same content with a different title.

Once you have about 10 questions related to one topic in your selection, go through the same process with another content topic in your selection.

When you are done, you should have a list of about 50 possible contents under 5 topics for the year.

Create Content list.

When you find 10 questions for all 5 content topics you selected, you have 50 contents list.

If you decide to publish at least 1 content a week on your blog, YouTube, and Pinterest, you have 50 weeks’ worth of content as a base line.

Some topics questions that have more similar questions in your record you use the group as tag.

You can choose 2 topic questions from 2 groups topic to create content for 2 weeks’ worth of content.

You can also choose another topic or category to create 2 contents on.

Based on how your contents are performing, you can choose the best performing contents to create two more contents for 52 weeks’ worth of contents.

During the year, if there is content you want to create you can create it in addition to your content schedule list, making some weeks having more contents published than others.

If some contents are too long to be 1 content, you can have part 1, part 2 and publish during the weeks to have more contents published in some weeks more than others.

That is one way you can create one year content schedule list.

Option 2: How to create your one-year content schedule.

If you want to publish content every week, that is 4 contents a month. There are 12 months in a year, based on your topic you can organize your monthly contents to cover each topic category or subcategory you choose to publish content for, during the year. That will mean you select 4 categories, and you publish content every month for each category. It might work if your content categories are not related to seasons. For instance, if you have gardening category, publishing garden topic in winter could be, you record garden videos during summer and decide to publish the rest in winter or until the garden season starts again. If you have topics that are tutorial related to topics with deadlines like tax returns that are due in spring, you might have another strategy. In this instance, you have topics that will be constantly present in your content schedule every year. Then you only publish this content for the first 2 months of the year. Then reorganize your contents schedule so that for all the other topics, contents are created and published for them every month. That way if you attract a different audience, they can all have a topic every month to watch or read instead of some part of the year.

It is good to start selecting your next year topic list two months ahead of the new year to have time to plan your content list for the new year.

If you didn’t, you can create your list each time you search keyword for a topic to create a content for. Create content for each one of the 4 or 5 topics you want to create contents for every month. During your keyword research record 10 subtopic questions asked around each one of these topics or subtopics that you can answer. The 10 questions under each topic or subtopic are the 10 contents list on that topic you can create content on during the year for that topic. By the time you search 5 topics and create 5 contents, you will have 50 contents list that are your one-year content calendar.

Content calendar

You can draft a content calendar spreadsheet.

In a column you list the months.

In another column you enter the weeks to have 4 weeks under each month.

In another column, you add the 4 categories of subject you plan to create content for, each month during the year.

After you brainstorm as above using Google and record a list of 12 different questions under each one of the 4 categories, you can put these questions in a column in your content calendar.

Not only you will have your 52 weeks content topic, but you will also have organized them by the way you want to publish them.

You can use the content you are publishing for the current year as a guideline to create the calendar for the following year.

Option 3: How to create a 1-year content calendar?

Example below is based on 4 categories

Pick content categories (4)

Pick 1 topic per content category for the year.

Create a content ideas spreadsheet

Search the topic in Google, YouTube and Pinterest.

Record related suggested questions

Record people also ask questions related to your topic that you have answers for.

Pick 13 questions per topic to create content for.

Create content calendar spreadsheet.

List the content categories by column.

List the topic under each content category.

Add the content ideas chosen under each topic.

You have 1 year worth of content ideas to create video content and or blog articles for.

Choose your recording day.

Pick 2-3 contents to record.

Batch record.

File them properly.

Record the file location in your content spreadsheet.

How to create a video content bank?

From here you can build your content bank.

Before that day, research the content idea you will record video on, and record related subtopic questions you can create videos for. Add a few to your content idea spreadsheet.

Pick 2 to add to your video recording list.

Outline each content idea you plan to record on your recording day.

Instead of 1 video, you will create 3.

File each one properly.

If you do that all year, you will have 3 content a week 1-year worth of content bank or 3 years’ worth of content if you publish 1 content a week.

For the other 2 related content you plan to batch record, make sure they are not time sensitive or trends that can go out of style since there is a chance you may not publish them in the same year you recorded them.

Conclusion: How to create 1 year content calendar?

The video explains how to create a 1-year YouTube video content calendar.

You choose 4 topic categories for your YouTube channel, blog, or for the year.

It could be categories of your interest or 4 of your best performing categories from the previous year.

Choose a subtopic by content category for the year.

If you plan to publish 1 content a week, search and record 13 content ideas for each subtopic.

You have 52 weeks of content.

If you plan to publish 2 contents a week, pick 1 to 2 subtopics and find 26 content ideas for each. This allows you to go deep in few topic categories and establish authorities within them quicker. It can also allow you to publish the second content of the week easily as you can batch create the thumbnails ahead of time.

Going deeper into a topic will allow you to create shorter videos as you will be answering specific questions or 1 question per video as you drill down.


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