When you have a lot of tasks to complete in a short period of time, you might need to step back and evaluate the tasks on hand and organize them.

Urgency of the task

If you have many tasks’ due dates close by, analyze the tasks and organize them by urgency from the ones that are 1st due at the top of the list.

Sometimes tasks with longer due tasks might require more work.

You will pause and analyze these tasks to acknowledge them and organize them in order of priority.


It is good to prioritize. When you have multiple tasks to complete, it can be overwhelming.

You might think about your sanity and make decisions that help your mental health.


Is there a template you can create to speed up the process in completing certain tasks?

If there is a same process you perform when doing a task, see if you can turn the first few repetitive processes into template to speed up the process next time.

Desired result

Sometimes, you might prioritize your tasks based on desired results to meet deadlines.

Focus on skills don’t blame

Beware of the tasks you need to be done so that you can organize them by order of importance.

Instead of blaming our employers and supervisors, we might just focus on the skills you are developing in managing our tasks. These skills can be helpful later in life and they can be added to our resumes.

Conclusion: How do you prioritize tasks when you are overwhelmed


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