Create content idea library
Go to Google and search the topic you plan to create content on.
Type the topic phrase and pay attention to the suggested topic phrases related to your topic.
When you see a similar phrase in the suggested phrases, click on it.
Scroll down to the section “People also ask”.
You start with a topic idea to record. Then you do the search to see how people are asking questions related to that topic.
Then you see what other questions people are asking in People also ask section that is related to that topic and go deeper.
Click on these related questions and google will display more people also ask questions.
Open your keyword-content idea workbook and record the questions related to the topic you search.
How to create a keyword-content idea workbook
In a spreadsheet label each tab your content topic category.
When you search for a topic, to find content ideas, open the sheet related to that topic category.
Enter the main topic in a column.
Record the suggested topic related to the topic you search, and you know answer for, on the rows in that topic column in your sheet.
Record people also ask questions related to the topic and you know the answer for.
You can do the same search in YouTube and Pinterest. On these platforms, record the suggested topic phrases related to the topic your search.
When each time you plan to record a video and you search the topic, write down the related questions suggested by the search browser that you know the answer. By doing so, you will slowly build your content idea library making it easy to pull content questions from to record video. This content idea library is very helpful if you create educational content.
Create content on topic you have knowledge about
When you create content related to subjects you have prior work experience, present work experience, life experience, personal experience, you will be comfortable discussing the topic as you are familiar with the topic. You will not dredge recording videos since you enjoy the topic you want to talk about and share your point of view with others.
Be the content
To be able to create content consistently, sometime when you don’t feel like recording a video or you are busy in your business and don’t have time to plan and record a video, you can become the content. Record yourself doing what you are busy doing in your business or your house. It could be behind the scenes video, or how to video, or work with me video depending on how you want to share that information recorded.
You are the niche
When you pick topic categories for your YouTube channel, choose topics around your stage in life.
At any point in your life, you are in a socio or economic class.
When you choose a topic solely related to a past experience or knowledge, because you do not associate yourself with that socio demographic, you may not have fresh experience to support your argument. You have knowledge of the topic but you do not live it any longer.
You might end up dredging creating content on the topic over time. It might not be a sustainable approach.
Rather, you could select topics to include previous, current experience, and your future aspirations.
For a sustainable long-term channel, choose your YouTube channel topic to allow your channel to be dynamic and grow with you as you grow in life and acquire new experience and changing socio groups.
Create content related to your knowledge you are currently using. Incorporate topic related to prior knowledge you do not use much any longer if desired.
For instance, I cannot have a YouTube channel around topic related to infant and new mom as my younger child is 9 years old now. I have few experiences that can help a new mom, but I don’t associate myself as a new mom any longer. If I have a channel related to motherhood for instance, I could create content related to new mom. I could have a topic around my current stage of teenage mom. As my kids grow and leave the house, I could create content when I reach that stage around topic related to how I embrace and navigate the next stage of my life with no kids in the house…
The channel overtime will be a library of knowledge where new moms, teenage moms, and retired moms could find few tips from.
You cannot burn out by a channel that grows with you.
You will have endless content ideas to record when you create content about knowledge you currently use in your life.
Breakdown a long process into small multiple steps videos
To create content consistently, when you have a content idea to record, outline it.
See if each outline is substantial enough to stand alone. If yes, you can record each stand-alone sub step or subtopic, and you will have multiple small videos that are easy to edit rather than 1 long video.
For instance, if you plan to record yourself doing your business bookkeeping, if you have sales, purchases to record, plan to record a video of each transaction you bookkeep. By the time you are done doing bookkeeping for your business, you will have as many videos as transactions you recorded.
Conclusion: How to create content consistently
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