You can make your own sourdough starter in about 14 days with water and either one of the following wheat flours: whole wheat flour, unbleached all-purpose flour, or bleached all-purpose flour.




Day 4 Can you use unbleached all purpose flour for sourdough starter 30

On day 4 of making sourdough starter, the 3 days old sourdough starter rose from 1.5 cups to 2 cups. We stirred it and fed ½ cup with 1 cup all-purpose unbleached flour and ½ cup tap water. Then we stored it on the counter for the next 24 hours. Day 4: 11-30-22-Observation: We started…

Day 3 Can you use unbleached flour for sourdough starter 22

On day 3 (11-29-22), the sourdough starter started to double in volume. Day 3: 24 hour later into making sourdough starter with all purpose unbleached flour and tab water Repeat day 2 process (See below). Every day repeat day 2 feeding process until your starter doubled in size within 12 hours. Each time you take…

Day 2 How to make sourdough starter with unbleached flour 17

Day 2: 24 hours later Take the 1-day old sourdough starter and observe it for few seconds. Then stir it with a spoon. Scoop ½ cup of it to a clean wide mouth caning quart jar. Add ½ cup room temperature tap water. Add 1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour. Mix well with a spoon. Loosely…

Day 1 How to make sourdough starter with unbleached all-purpose flour and tap water 12

Day 1: Add ½ cup of tap water room temperature in a 1-quart canning jar wide mouth. Add 1 cup of unbleached all-purpose flour. With a spoon stir the flour water mixture well. Loosely close the jar to prevent bugs from getting in. Put the jar on the kitchen counter where it is not going…


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Nina’s Soap was created to help you live a healthy lifestyle within your budget while increasing your net worth.

Liberman Consulting L.L.C.’s contents are about different ways to save money, different ways to make money to reach your financial independence where you don’t worry about money or depend on your job to provide for your family.


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At Nina’s Soap (Liberman Consulting L.L.C.), you will find information about living a quality life within budget and increasing your net worth. Topics covered include personal finance, investment, business management, cooking from scratch, and growing some vegetables and fruit to save money and eat healthy.