We are at the beginning of spring 2019. Snow receded as of mid-March. The winter has been very cold and we received a lot of snow from January to March. By mid-March the snow melted.
Beside few nice days, the weather is still too cold at the start of April for me to be doing any spring work in my garden. Regardless of the cold, I spotted growth in the garden since end of March. French Sorrel is growing new leaves.
Egyptian onion started to grow new leaves as well. How these two greens started to grow when cold season crops including lettuce and peas are not sowed yet? That why I value perennial vegetables so much. They meet my way of gardening. I am very busy and don’t think I have the energy to grow and tend annuals in the long run. Every year, I am more convinced that I should focus on what I can do. I have grown lots of lettuce one year and a lot of potato another year. I have problem digging the potatoes out when came harvest time. I was not comfortable digging in my garden. As for the lettuce, they grew but I have to repeat the process every year. In my mulch garden, some annuals have problems growing. Even perennials have problems growing, but once they grow, I don’t have to repeat the process every year.
This year, I would focus on the fruit trees. A bunny got inside the garden last year and damaged many fruit trees over the winter. I would need to access and prevent further damage.
I would focus on perennials and continue to propagate them.
I might grow some annuals like green beans and squashes. I grew them last year.
I didn’t start tomato indoor this year.
I would purchase frozen peas for cooking this year instead of growing as it costs me less to buy it than to grow it.
I purchased some perennial herbs that I would sow.
It is amazing to feel relaxed and admire growth in the garden without even sowing anything yet.
As for edible wild plants, wild mustard and broad leaf plantain are growing as well.