A 30 pages book may not sell at a higher price as a 100 pages book but most people would prefer to read the 30 pages book. With today’s technology, people want to absorb information quickly. E-readers are no exception. Less than 10% read pass the first chapter. Instead of targeting 100 pages book to write which can take quite a bit of your time and can be intimidating to most people, aim for shorter books to keep your readers interested.
How to write a short book within 24 hours?
- It could be series of your blog posts.
- 8 chapters’ book can be viewed as 8 blog posts or articles.
- If it takes you 2 hours to write a blog article, then you should write a chapter of your new book within 2 hours as well.
- Instead of writing a long blog post, think about breaking it down into chapters and write a short e-book of 2,500 words minimum. A blog post should be between 200 -500 words. Anything longer than that may not be read in full by most of your visitors.
- You can also take a large book you plan to write and break it down to short books series of 25 pages or so. You could sell each one for about $6.99 on Amazon.
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How do you get started?
- Decide on the topic you want to write about.
- Write the chapters titles down
- Do research on each chapter and save your findings on your computer
- Write each chapter within one hour
- Just write without thinking about grammar or mistake
You can also talk and record your audio topic. You can use dictation software to transcribe it for you. You can also hire someone on Fiverr.com to transcribe your recording.
If you are not expert in a field you want to write about, you could outsource all the work on Fiverr.com. You map the chapters and turn them into questions. You hire few experts from Fiverr.com and send them on question each to answer for you. You could turn 10 chapters into 10 questions. Once you collect your answers, you put them together and you have your new book ready to be edited and formatted. When you start out, I would recommend you write your e-book yourself on a topic you are an expert or do the research yourself. Later on you could use leverage by outsourcing some of the work.
If you have a website or a blog, where you write and post articles, you already wrote mini books. In your blog there could be multiple related articles that you posted at different period time. You could save your readers some time by pulling these articles and put them together into an e-book. You would update your information and your book would be ready to be formatted and self-published.
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Have a shorter e-book easy to read at a smaller price would be more appealing to your audience and would sell better.
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