Our website would undergo some IT changes. I am in the process of changing the theme.
I changed the theme from a free theme to a paid theme Creativo. That is my third time changing the theme myself. I have used the free theme Dusk of Dawn from 2015 to February 2020. It is a good theme. I like the simple layout of it.
Before you change your website theme it is important you backup your website. Depending on your new theme, there is a chance you might lose your contents or some of them. Even when you upgrade your WordPress you might lose some contents.
In the past between upgrading WordPress and switching to theme Dusk of Dawn, I lost an entire year of blog articles. I manually saved my posts and was able to repost them one at a time. It was intentional since there were many guest posts on my blog that I didn’t intentionally authorize and it was easier for me to just wipe out the entire blog and start all over. I fixed the issue ever since.
That is the beauty of managing your business and doing things yourself. It takes a lot of your time but saves you money and you learn the process. I backed up my website this time before installing this new theme. Luckily I didn’t lose any content that I am aware of at the moment.
I am documenting the process. I would post some online under “managing your business yourself” category for my personal record and for anyone that might need the same information to be able to access it.
When you are one person business it is important to perform a lot of functions yourself especially, at the early stage when the business is not generating enough revenue to avoid going into debt. Document your process. That would be your manual to train employees later and it would help you remember how to do something by referring to your manual.
Bluehost team has been very helpful during the process of backing up my website since their online instruction was probably outdated and was not quite useful. I have not tried other hosting sites but I been hosting my website with Bluehost since 2014 after purchasing my domain from GoDaddy. I would recommend Bluehost. They offer a great service. Bluehost offered a free domain at that time I think as a promotion but I didn’t know what would be in the fine print. I don’t know if I decided to move the blog to another hosting site I would be able to do that or not. I didn’t want to host my website at GoDaddy either. I want full autonomy or control over my blog and therefore, I purchased the domain name on one site and host it on another.
So far this theme Creativo 7 seems to have lots of features. I like it. It is mobile friendly. My goal is to make the blog mobile friendly and easier on your eyes when you visit my site. The previous theme was not I think. It is a multipurpose theme for blog and ecommerce and cost $59 one-time fee for one domain. I didn’t purchase any other service Mojo marketplace offers in addition.