You can plant perennial spices and herbs hardy to your zone so that overtime you do not purchase spices from the grocery store. The money you save from not purchasing some spices could be allocated toward other staples you do not grow whose prices go up. Your grocery budget will not increase. You will save money from spices you grow and use that saving to purchase staples you do not grow.
Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) is a perennial root spice hardy to our zone 5a.

Do deer eat horseradish plants?
When you plant it, deer and bunny could bother it during the first year. After the first year, horseradish will establish, and deer and bunnies will not touch it. It gets bigger over time. The first year, you would put a galvanized wire around it and put a 1 in wholes chicken wire around the galvanized wire. The galvanized wire will protect it from deer and the chicken wire will protect it from bunnies and give them a chance to establish. Once it started to grow if you desire, you could remove the wires after the first year.
I planted some in a fenced garden and some in areas not fenced. The horseradish planted in non-fenced garden were bothered the first year by bunnies for sure in my opinion but not by deer, but I am not entirely sure. Deer and bunnies are both frequent on our property. The horseradish plants all survived that first year and are growing well.

How many years before harvesting horseradish?
You harvest horseradish root 2 years after planting it.
If you plant horseradish in spring 2022 for instance, you will harvest some of the root for the first time in fall 2024 after the frost or after most of its leaves are brown or fell off.

What is the best time to plant horseradish?

When you harvest horseradish roots in fall, that is the best time to plant it as well. To propagate your horseradish plants, cut some roots that you harvested and plant them right away. They will start to grow in spring.

When you purchase horseradish root from a garden nursery in spring, you plant it in spring. 2 years after you planted it, you could harvest some roots in fall and replant some of these roots right away.
You could dig some plants with roots on them in summer to propagate as well.
Does horseradish multiply?

Yes, horseradish plants multiply over time. You could see sets of leaves stalks growing in groups. In spring you can use a garden fork to break a group of plants connected to a root from the rest of the plant to replant.
Horseradish plants expand over time, and its leaves could shade the area you planted.
The roots can go deep in the ground. A garden fork is a good tool to use to dip some roots out.
In July 2022, I dug some plants with roots and divide them to replant. Because it was a garden I don’t visit often and was not sure I would visit it in fall to propagate horseradish, when I visited in July, to clean it up, I dug some horseradish roots to replant. But in the backyard garden, I propagate horseradish root in fall when I harvest some root for winter use.

How to use horseradish roots?
Make Horseradish oil.
When you dig the horseradish root, it will be covered with dirt. Rinse the dirt off outside with water.
Then in your kitchen, peel the root.
You can then grate it or grate some and add to a glass jar and add olive oil to it.
You stir it well, close it and store it in the refrigerator if you use it often or store in the freezer for winter use.
If you grate a large quantity, you could make the horseradish oil above in multiple small jars and keep some in the freezer and take one to store in the refrigerator to use.
You can use horseradish oil to drizzle on baked meat like pork chops, pork steak, or use it in your cooking to spice or season your sauces.
Freeze Horseradish root
After you grate horseradish root, you could store it in a freezer bag and keep in the freezer. You gate it when you want to use it in your cooking.

Conclusion: Growing horseradish root How to grow your own food to save money on groceries
In this video we show horseradish growth as of July 31, 2022, to explain how to grow some of your spices to save money on groceries.
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