How do you record mileage for business use 2022
Have a home office for your business.

Try to have a place in your house that you keep just for business that you use to do your business administrative work. That place will qualify you for business mileage deduction.
How to track your business mileage.

When you have a place at home just for your business, any place you go to when you leave home, if it is for business purposes, record your car mileage when you get in the car. Record the mileage when you get to your destination. Record your mileage when you get home. The difference between the mileage before you left home and the mileage when you got home is business mileage. Record it in a document, or a spreadsheet if possible.
At the end of the year December 31, record your card total mileage.
Know the mileage between your home and your job or workplace. That is commuting. When you know how many days a week you go to work and the mileage round trip from home to work, that is commuting per week multiplied by 52 weeks is the total commuting mileage for the year.
When you know your business mileage by tracking them and total them together, that is your business mileage for the year. At the end of the year, you record the total mileage of your car. The mileage on your car on January 1st, 2023, and the mileage on December 31, 2023, would help you calculate the total mileage driven during the year.
If you use a tax software to file your taxes, you need to know the following:

The total mileage driven during the year,
The total commuting mileage driven during the year,
The total business mileage driven during the year,
The difference between the total mileage driven during the year and business mileage and commuting mileage will give you mileage driven for other purposes like shopping…
You can deduct expenses related to business mileage only.
If you want to deduct actual expenses, you need to track your car gas receipts and record them.
Sometimes a deduction of actuals expenses might give you a higher deduction but requires more record keeping.
Sometimes taking IRS standard mileage deduction is a better deal if the car is old. It doesn’t require keeping your car gas receipts and recording them, but you still need to track your business mileage and other types of mileage driven as described above. The standard mileage deduction per mileage varies every year. The tax software will be up to date to apply the right deduction. Tax software will usually ask you questions and use your answers and data to figure out if claiming the actual business use of your car will result in a higher deduction for you or if the standard mileage is higher.
Conclusion: How do you record mileage for business use 2022?
The video uses 2022 mileage log to explain how to track mileage for taxes.
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