You can build your food supply on a budget by purchasing a little more of a food staple than the quantity you need for a week to have on hand. Overtime, you will have 1 month worth of some staples on hand while others you could have 3-6 months of supply on hand. You can build your grocery supply within your grocery budget.

How to spend within your grocery budget?
When you set a grocery budget for the month, write your grocery list. Set a targeted dollar amount less than your grocery budget to spend during your grocery shopping. Estimate what it will cost you to make all the purchases on your list. Adjust your list by removing staples that are not needed or decreasing the quantities for your cost estimate to be well below your grocery budget and closer to the amount you plan to spend.
By estimating less than your monthly grocery budget, if you forget to add a grocery item to list, you will have enough to purchase it later. If you run out of a food staple within the month, you will have enough to purchase it.

How to build your food supply on a budget?
By spending less than your grocery budget during your monthly grocery shopping, when a staple you use goes on sale, you will have enough grocery funds to stock up. You will be able to purchase months’ worth of those staples to have on hand.

How to build your food supply within budget?
We made our main purchases on November 13, 2022. On November 19, 2022, we made few more purchases as follow:
I took $6 from our meat budget to purchase shrimp and have it on hand for holidays celebration.
We shared on how to celebrate on budget.
Because the meat budget didn’t have enough money left, I took $40 from savings from fruit budget to order 3-4bags of 10lbs chicken quarters. My estimate is if I cook 1- 10lb bag of chicken a week, having 4 bags on hand will be 1 month or 4 weeks’ worth of that protein we have on hand. Even though the meat budget couldn’t afford that purchase, savings from fruit budget was able to stock up of that protein. In the past we stocked chicken when it was on sale for $0.39/lb. or $0.49/lb. This year, it has not gone down that low often for us to stock up. Meat like pork chop and pork steak we like to stock up when they are on sale for $0.99/lbs. This year the sale price was $1.99/lb. The stock up price went up by over 100% consuming most of our meat budget. For that reason, I purchased some meat cut like chicken even when it is not on sale to be able to have enough meat in stock for the month.
I took $10 from the food budget to order washing soda. It is used as a natural cleaner and for laundry in our house. I forgot to add it to my November 13, 2022, grocery list. However, by spending less than our food budget on that grocery list, I have enough to purchase the washing soda a week later.
The broom I use to clean the house every evening broke on November 18. I asked my husband to purchase it from the remaining change after purchasing the washing soda or from any change after making all the purchases.

This is an example on whatever grocery budget you set for your household to spend a month, you should plan to spend less than that so that you can have some money left in case something is needed during the month, or there is a sale you can stock up and save money in groceries.
Conclusion How to build your food supply on budget?

- Have a monthly grocery budget.
- Write a grocery list estimated for less than your budget. Or set aside a specific amount from your grocery budget to stock up during sales or unexpected grocery purchases before you do your main monthly grocery shopping.
By spending less than your grocery budget and saving every month, you will have grocery money on hand to stock up during sales without going over your budget.
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Nina’s Soap was created to help you live a healthy lifestyle within budget while increasing your net worth.
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