To file Form 1065, download IRS Instructions for Form 1065 for 2022 from
Have your business financial data ready including:
Your business expenses.
Total gross revenues
Capital contribution during the year.
Business balance sheet
Have partner’s information ready.
Pick an online tax software to file your tax return.
File your Form 1065 and Schedules K-1 and your state Form 1065.
Review your return and submit electronically and mail if you met the requirement.
Give the partners their Schedules K-1.
Keep a copy of Form 1065 and its Schedules for your business record.
It can save you time to use a tax software to file your tax return. The tax software will transfer your data to any other tax forms required including your state business tax return.
If you decide to fill out Form 1065, you download Form 1065, Schedule K-1(Form 1065), and you download any other forms you might be required to complete.
Federal Tax Forms and Instructions
Who is required to file IRS Form 1065?
If you have an LLC with multiple members or a partnership you would file Form 1065 U.S. Return of Partnership Income.
When do you file Form 1065?
You should file your Form 1065 by March 15.
What is passive activity?
If your LLC is a business or a trade and you do not materially participate in your business, the business is a passive activity for you the partner not the partnership. The passive activity is related to the partners engagement in the LLC activities. A rental real estate is a passive activity.
Activities that are not passive activities to the partners
If your Company is engaged in a business or trade in which you the partner materially participate.
Your company is a rental real estate business in which you materially participated: if more than half of personal services you performed in all trades and business are related to the rental real estate business including managing, operating, leasing, or renting; and you work more than 750 hours in your rental activities. You can include services you performed as an employee if you own more than 5% of shares.
If your partnership is a trade or business, you would report income and expenses on page 1 of Form 1065.
Report rental real estate profit or loss on Schedule K.
Attach a statement to Form 1065 to show income or loss for each trade conducted under your company.
Also add an attachment to schedule K-1 to show the share of income or loss for each partner.
This allows the partners to properly classify each activity they materially participate in and which ones that are passive activities for them.
Where to report rental real estate income or loss?
Rental real properties rents income and expenses are reported on Form 8825. The profit or loss from the form 8825 is then reported on schedule K of Form 1065 not on page 1 of Form 1065.
Portfolio income is income from interest, dividends, and royalties unless it is your trade.
Portfolio income is reported on schedule K of Form 1065.
How to fill out form 1065 for 2022?

Item A: Principal Business Activity
Enter your principal business activity.
Item B: Principal product or service
Enter your main product or service type.
Item C: Business code number

In the IRS instructions for 2022 Form 1065, page 61, you will find the business of business activity code numbers. You scroll through to locate your principal business activity and copy the its related business code number to use for tax purposes.
Name of partnership
Enter your business name.
Enter your business address in the address lines.
Item D: EIN
Enter your business EIN number.
Item E: business start date
Enter the date you filed and got approved by your stated for your LLC.
Item F: total assets: Are you required to enter the total asset of your partnership?

It is from your business balance sheet. The business total assets amount is not required to complete if you answer yes on Form 1065 Schedule B question 4.

Item G
Reach and check boxes that are applicable to your business otherwise, leave them blank.
Item H: Accounting methods
Select the accounting method you use in your business cash or accrual.
Item I: Numbers of partners in your business
Type the number of partners. That is the number of schedule K-1 to complete and attach to the Form 1065.
Item J: Schedule M-3
You are not required to file schedule M-3 if your partnership total asset is less than $ 10 million.
How to fill out IRS Form 1065 and Schedule K-1 For your LLC with no Revenue
If you started a trade or business and the first year you worked at it and didn’t generate any revenue, your Form 1065-page 1 line 1a Gross receipts or sales to line 8 total income will be blank. You might have cost. Your business expenses would go on page 1 Deductions lines from Line 2 Salaries and wages to Line 21 Total Deductions.
Any other business expenses that you didn’t have a line will be included on Line 20 Other deductions. You add an attachment to list the costs you included on line 20.

If that is your first year in business, you might have organizational and startup costs. You are allowed to expense each one in the first year if each one is less than $5,000.

Any excess should be amortized over 180 months counting from the month you started your business.
The portion of startup cost and organization cost to expense will be included on line 20 Other deductions.

If you have intangible assets to amortize, the amortizable deduction of the year will be included on Line 20. You will attach Form 4562 Depreciation and amortization to your Form 1065.
The loss from Form 1065 page1 Line 22 Ordinary business income or loss would go on schedule K of Form 1065 line 1. That same loss will be divided proportionally between the partners based on their ownership interest and entered on Schedules K-1 box 1. The total of all schedules K-1 will equal Schedule K.
How to complete IRS form 1065 for a business activity you didn’t participate in?
If you have a trade or business and you didn’t materially participate in it, the expenses will go on page 1 as well as the revenue. The activity income or loss would go on schedule K line 1 and distributed on schedule K-1s for partners. A partner that didn’t materially participate in the trade or business conducted by the partnership, has a passive activity income or loss.
Where to report income and expenses from passive activities on form 1065?
A rental real estate is a passive activity to the partnership as well as to the partners even if the partners materially participate in it.
Income or loss from rental real estate is reported on Form 8825 and on schedule K of Form 1065.
Portfolio income is a passive activity to the partnership and the partners.
Income and expenses from portfolio income are reported on schedule K of Form 1065 Line 2 Net rental real estate income or loss.
How to report portfolio income on form 1065?
If you generate income that didn’t come from a trade or a business, report that income on schedule K. Income produced that is not a trade or a business include: interest, dividends, royalties. They are called portfolio income. There are specific lines on schedule K for income from each type of these portfolio income sources.
Where do you report expenses related to portfolio income on Form 1065?
Expenses you incurred to produce income that didn’t come from a trade or business should be reported on schedule K section deductions especially on line 13 from Line 13 a to Line 13d and schedules K-1 Box 13 with a code for the partners. You can find the code in the IRS instructions for Form 1065 page 39+.
Where to report nondeductible business expenses?
Expenses that are not deductible are reported on Form 1065 Schedule K line 18c Nondeductible expenses. Report each partner share of nondeductible expenses on Form 1065 Schedule K-1 Box 18 with Code C.
If you hold real estate in your business portfolio but it is not rental, expenses to maintain the property like utilities, property taxes… are nondeductible on your business tax return.
Convention and seminar are nondeductible business expenses.
How to report income and expense from a Business activity on Form 1065?
A trade or a business conducted by the partnership is a business activity for the partnership. Income and expenses from a trade or business conducted by the partnership are reported on page 1 of Form 1065 regardless on whether the partners materially participate or not. A partnership business activity could be a passive activity to its partners if they did not materially participate in it. The income and expenses of such business activities would be reported on page 1 of Form 1065 and the income or loss would go on line 1 of schedule K. The income or loss would be reported as ordinary income or loss on schedule K-1s. The partners could not offset loss from passive activities with income from active activities.
If you have multiple business activities conducted by the partnership, attach a statement to Form 1065 and to Schedule K-1s to specify income or loss from each activity for the partners to accurately report them on their personal tax return.
Form 1065-page 1 Income

Line 1a Gross receipts or sales:
Enter your total annual gross revenue. It should not include state sales tax. But it should include your sales before return or refunds. It should also include shipping paid by buyers. Your shipping expenses will go on Line 20 Other deductions. Your gross receipts should also include your total revenue before marketplace fees if you track your marketplace fees and will deduct them on Line 20 other deductions.
Line 1b Returns.
Amount refunded should be entered on this line.
You should design your sales or revenue worksheet in a way to track the different components of income and expenses in a way that you could easily retrieve them to complete your business income tax return.
Line 1c Balance:
You reduce the total sales by the refunds.
Line 2 Cost of goods sold

If you sell physical products, you might carry inventory and be required to complete Form 1125-A Cost of goods sold. We have a tutorial on how to complete form 1125-A for 2022.
You will need to track your inventory to be able to fill out Form 1125-A accurately.
If you need a worksheet to manage your inventory, you could download a free Inventory and sales worksheet “Free Inventory and Sales Worksheet F23D2” or “Free Inventory and Sales Worksheet F23D1” in our free Download.
Line 3 Gross Profit
You subtract the cost of goods sold and refunds from the total sales to find the gross profit.
Line 4
If you have ordinary income or loss from other partnership, you enter it on Line 4 otherwise, you leave that line blank.
Line 5, 6, 7
If the line 5, 6, and or 7 are applicable to your business, you complete them. Otherwise, you leave them blank.
Line 8 Total income or loss
It is the sum of Line 3 + Line 4 + Line 5 + Line 6 +Line 7.
If Line 8 is a loss, it will be with a negative sign.
Form 1065 Page 1 Deductions

Line 9: Salaries and Wages
If you have employees, you enter their wages.
Do not enter amount paid to your LLC partners.
If you claim employment credits, you reduce the amount on Line 9 by the credit amount. You can read more on it in the IRS instructions for Form 1065.
If you need payroll template to track your payroll, we have some payroll worksheet available for free to download in our Free Downloads.
Line 10 to Line 13
Complete them if applicable to your business. Otherwise, leave them blank.
Line 14 Taxes and licenses
If you have employees, you could enter your business portion of employment tax (Social security and Medicare tax) and unemployment tax paid during the year. See page 24 of IRS instructions for 2022 Form 1065 for more details.
Line 15 Interest
Only enter interest paid related to your business activities. Interest related to rental real properties goes on form 8825. For more detail on the types of interest to enter on Line 15, see page 24 of IRS instructions for 2022 Form 1065.
Line 16 Depreciation
Line 16a: enter depreciation deduction for assets used in your business activities or trade.
Line 16b: If you reported a depreciation deduction on Form 1125-A, you enter it here.
The difference between Line 16a and Line 16b (Line 16a-Line 16b) will be on Line 16.
Do not include section 179 deduction on this line. It goes on Schedule K Line 12 Section 179 and on Schedule K-1.
Depreciation and Amortization Worksheet LD22D1
Line 17 to Line 19
If any line is applicable to your business complete it otherwise, leave it blank.
Line 20 Other deductions
Any operational business expenses related to your business activities that you didn’t find a line for, will go on line 20. You attach a document to detail the type of costs entered on Line 20.
IRS instructions for 2022 Form 1065 has more information on it on page 25-26.
Line 21 Total deductions
Total Line 9 to Line 20 and enter the amount on Line 21.
Line 22 Ordinary business income or loss
Line 8 – Line 21 = Line 22.
If Line 21 is more than line 8, your Line 22 will be a loss with a negative sign.
Business Expense Excel Spreadsheet-LLC-BEESL31321
Line 23 to Line 30 Tax ad Payment
Would you please read of IRS instructions for 2022 Form 1065 page 27 for more details.
If none of these line is applicable to your business, leave them blank.
Sign Here

It saves you time to use an online tax software to file your business income tax return. If you choose to paper file your return, after you print it out, you will sign and date it.
You can read of IRS instructions for 2022 Form 1065 page 6 for who is authorized to sign your LLC income tax return.
You can check NO to the question “May IRS discuss this return with the preparer shown below?”
That way IRS can address their questions to you.
Paid Preparer Use Only
Leave it blank if you file the business tax return for your own business.
Form 1065 Schedule B

Line 1: check the type of entity your business is.
Line 2a: read it and check the box applicable to your business.
Line 2b: if any of the LLC partners own 50% or more of the LLC, you need to check YES and complete Schedule B-1 and attach it to the return.

Line 3: Read it and check the box applicable to your business.
Line 4: Read it and check the box applicable to your business.

Line 5 to Line 30: Read each question and check the box applicable to your business.
If you check No for line 30, you enter your business representative agent’s names and address in the section “Designation of Partnership Representative”.

How to fill out Form 1065 Schedule K?

Line 1 Ordinary business income or loss: enter the amount from page 1 line 22 Ordinary business income or loss.
Line 2: Net rental real estate income or loss: enter the amount from Form 8825 if you have rental real estate activities. If you do not have a trade but have rental real estate activities, you complete Form 8825 with your rental revenues and rental expenses. The profit or loss from the form 8825 will be entered on Form 1065 Schedule K Line 2. You do not complete Form 1065-page 1 income and deductions.

Line 3 Rental activities
Line 3a Rental receipts: If you have rental activities that are not rental real estate, you put the revenues on Line 3a.
Line 3b: enter the expenses related to your rental activities that are not rental real estate.
Line 3c: Line 3a-Line3b: Income or loss from other rental activities. Do the subtraction and enter the profit of loss here.
Line 4 to Line 11:
Complete any line applicable to your business. If you do not have a number for a line, leave that line blank.
Keep in mind that if you have portfolio income, your income numbers will be on Form 1065 Schedule K Line 5 Interest Income to Line 7 Royalties whichever is applicable. Your business expenses related to your portfolio income.

The expense that is deductible will go on Line 13d Other deductions and on Schedule K-1 Box 13 with a code I or L. More details on code in the IRS instructions for 2022 Form 1065 page 35.

The interest expense is reported on Schedule K Line 13b Investment interest expense and on Schedule K-1 Line 13 with code H.
Form 1065 Schedule K Deductions
Line 12 Section 179 deduction:
If you expense new assets using section 179, you enter the deduction on Line 12 of Schedule K and Schedule K-1 appropriate box.
Line 13a to Line 13d:
Complete the lines applicable to your business. More information is on page 39+ of IRS instructions for Form 1065.
Self-Employment Net Earnings (Loss) Schedule K Line 14

If your LLC is a trade or business activity, The income or loss should be put on schedule K Line 14 self-employment net earnings or loss. Complete the self-employment worksheet in form 1065 instructions.

Do not include rental income from rental properties on the worksheet. These are passive income. Enter rental income for selling rentals to customers. Enter rental income for performing substantial services to dwellers. These are active incomes. Any activity that you materially participate in would go on it. Do not include dividends, interest income. These are passive income.
The worksheet is in the IRS instructions for 2022 Form 1065 page 42. The result from the worksheet will go on Schedule K Line 14.
Form 1065 Schedule K Line 15 to Line 20

Complete any line applicable to your business and its corresponding box on partners Schedules K-1. Check the IRS instructions for any necessary code to include in Schedule k-1.
Schedule K Line 18c Nondeductible Expenses: Are conventions and seminar deductibles expenses?
You cannot deduct business expenses related to conventions and seminars. They are reported on Form 1065 Schedule K Line 18c non deductibles expenses. Report them on Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) in Box 18 with code C.
If you have a business expense that is not deductible, you enter the amount on Line 18c on Schedule K and corresponding box on Schedule K-1.
Form 1065 Page 5: Analysis of net Income

Line 1: Net Income or loss: Follow the calculation instruction and enter the net income or loss from Schedule K.
Line 2: Analysis by partner type: Check instructions for form 1065 page 56 on how to report your net income of loss between the partners whether they are active or passive.
If your LLC is a member-managed LLC, consider the line of General Partners for the LLC member-managers and the line Limited partners for the LLC members that don’t work in the business. Or choose as you feel fit for your business.
How to organize Form 1065 and its forms?
After you completed form 1065, Schedule K-1 and its supplements,
Print them out.
Sign Form 1065 page 1
Make copy for your business and your state tax return.
Make a copy of Schedule K-1 for partners.
How to assemble Form 1065 before sending to IRS?

Have Form 1065 page 1-5 together.
Put form 8825 behind it if you complete it.
Followed by Form 1125A-Cost of goods Sold if you complete it.
Followed by Schedule K-1s
Followed by Schedule B-1 Form 1065
Followed by supplement to Schedule K
Followed by supplement to Schedule K-1
Followed by Form 4562 Depreciation and Amortization if you are required to complete it.
If you have completed other forms not listed here, check instructions for form 1065 page 12 “Assembling the Return” for more detail.
Once all the forms are in order, you could staple them together and put in an envelope.
Where to mail Form 1065?

Write the address that is in the same row where your state is listed that corresponds to the total asset of the business reported on Item F of Form 1065 Page 1 or on your balance sheet. The address can be found in the Instructions for Form 1065 page 10 “Where to File”.
Locate your state.
Locate your total asset.
Locate the address that correspond to your total asset on your state row.
Write that address on your tax return envelope.
Seal the envelope and mail it via USPS with a tracking number.
Keep the mail receipt with the business copy of your Form 1065 tax return for your business record.
When is the due date for Form 1065?
Mail your Form 1065 via USPS Certified by its due date March 15.
How to fill out 2022 Form 1065 Schedule K-1?

Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) comes with codes for boxes 11 to 20.
Schedules K-1 should total to your schedule K.
Part I: Business information
Item A: Enter your business EIN.
Item B: Enter your business name and address.
Item C: Enter the IRS center you will mail your return to. I like to put the city, State, and Zip code.
After you locate where you will mail your business income tax return, you could put the IRS center on this line.
Part II: Partner Information
Item E: Enter the partner social security number.
Item F: Enter the partner’s name and address.
Item G: check the box that applies to the partner. If the partner is active in the business, you could check General partner or LLC member-manager.
If the partner is not involved with the business, you could check the box for Limited partner or other LLC member.
Item H1: check the right box.
Item H2: if not applicable, leave it blank.
Item I1: If the partner is a person, enter individual.
Item J Partner share of profit, loss, and capital:
Enter the member ownership interest for start of the year and end of the year.
Item K Partner’s share of liabilities: Complete if applicable for your business.
Item L: Partner’s capital account analysis:
It is the partner’s portion of the start of the year capital account plus any contribution made during the year plus any profit or minus any loss incurred on Form 1065 for the year minus any distributions to the partner.
Item L Partner’s Account Analysis: You are not required to complete Item L if you answer Yes to Schedule B question 4 of Form 1065. However, if you would like to enter it, it is good to draft schedule M-2 spreadsheet to record the balance of the partnership at the start of the year followed by any capital contribution during the year, any increases due to income, any decreases, and the balance at the end of the year. Calculate for the partnership and calculate the portion that should be allocated to each partner. Enter each partner account analysis on their schedule K-1.
Item M: Check the right box applicable.
Item N: complete it if applicable.

Part III: Partner’s share of income and deductions
Have the instructions for Form 1065 available to read how you should report every line of Schedule K to its corresponding box number on Schedule K-1, the appropriate code to enter, and whether you should attach a statement to describe the type of deduction claimed.
Read the instructions for each line of Schedule K to see how to enter it on Schedule K-1 and the appropriate code to use.
For instance, Schedule K Line 13d: If the box 13 code W has an amount that is related to multiple activities or more than one type of expenses, add code W* in the left side of the amount column. In the amount column, write STMT. Add an attachment. List all the expenses that total to the amount that should go on that line. Mention the box number and the code. If necessary, include every portion of the expense that is related to each activity conducted by the partnership. On Schedule K the space next to the dollar amount, could have the type of deductions, and the total amount can be added in the amount column. An attachment detailing the deduction should be added to Form 1065.
If a Schedule K line is blank, its corresponding box on Schedule K-1 will be blank as well.
If Schedule K line 1 has income, the box 1 on Schedule K-1 should have the partner’s portion or share of that income as well.
When you are done completing all schedules K-1, they should total to Schedule K. You split Schedule K numbers between partners based on their ownership interests and complete schedule K-1 for each partner.
The partners will use their Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) to complete their Form 1040 Individual income tax return.
Conclusion: How to fill out 2022 IRS Form 1065 and Schedule K-1 For your multi members LLC?
The video and articles explain how to fill out Form 1065 for 2022 and an example of trades or business activities.
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