On august 10, 2020, I have clothes hung on a portable dryer outside. As the sky was cloudy my daughter woke me up from my nap in the couch and pointed outside that their clothes might get wet.

I got up and started to take the clothes off the clothesline when the city siren went up around 10:30 am. I wondered if it was a test. After thinking about it for few minutes, I concluded it was not a test. I asked the kids and the adults in the house to seek shelter in the basement. The siren went on for few more minutes.

I remained outside to take all the clothes and went inside before the wind started. It blew a lot just by looking at the top of my neighbor’s trees from the basement window. Few minutes after the city siren stopped my husband said that it must be over as the city siren should be on for the time it was required to remained sheltered. Therefore, I asked the kids to go back up. As we got up the sky was dark before 11 am. It was surprising.  Shortly after it started to rain, and the wind picked up again. I urged everyone to go back in the basement. We just got everyone to the basement when the light went off.

My husband and I came back up to get flashlights and returned to the basement where we stayed for 30 minutes.

When we came up finally, we looked outside for any visible tree damage. One of our neighbors has a tree branch on their roof.

A tree fell from another neighbor’s yard and fell on the road.

Another neighbor’s tree lost big branches right close to another neighbor’s car.

We have only one big tree on our property. It dropped few dead branches in my front yard garden. But other than our building didn’t have damage. I left the bathroom window open since that morning, the wind torn the screen at the bottom.

We lost electricity but we have gas which allowed us to have hot water.  Our garage door would not open and my husband opened it by hand to get his car out. Without electricity, we had to think how to cook dinner as our stove is electric. I put blankets and flat bed sheets on our chest freezers in the basement. We have a small chest freezer full of vegetables harvested in the garden in spring. A medium freezer was full of frozen sauces, fruit, and ice cream purchased on sale. Another medium chest freezer was 2/3 full of meat.

For all without power now, hopefully, you would get it back soon.

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