When you want to start your garden to save money on groceries, you could plant perennial vegetables and fruit trees.

How to layout your garden?

If you plan to grow fruit trees and vegetables in your garden, it is a good idea not to start your garden in raised beds. You can start planting at ground level.
you need to know each fruit trees you purchased or ordered in term of how tall they can reach and if they can grow in semi shade or require full sun.

Front yard garden Fruit trees 5-14-22
Front yard garden Fruit trees 5-14-22

Plan to put shrubs and short trees at the front of your garden and tall fruit trees at the back.

To avoid shading your garden overtime, your tall fruit trees could be on the north side of your garden. However, if you have a tall tree on the south side of your property, you do not want to put your tall fruit trees at the north side of the garden. The garden will be shaded over time on both sides. You might have to put your tall fruit trees in the south under the tall tree. How you lay out your garden will be specific to your garden location and your goal. You just need a basic plan on how to lay fruit shrubs, short fruit trees, tall fruit trees, and shade-loving fruit trees in your garden. You don’t need to purchase all the fruit trees at once. You could plan over the years.

As you plant fruit trees, you could plant perennial vegetables around the fruit trees. As the fruit trees grow, you will see what needs you have in your garden. Your original pathway might become crowded when shrubs expand. You might have to move some vegetable patches to create new pathways. Don’t try to figure everything out from the start. It might take you too long to plan and start your garden. Fruit trees take years to start producing. If you want to start your garden to lower your grocery bills, start planting and adjust as your garden grows and you learn along.

Front yard garden Fruit trees 5-14-22
Front yard garden Fruit trees 5-14-22

Your garden will grow and change over the years. You will plant some vegetables and realize you don’t use them and plant others.

From your growing vegetables, when it is time to propagate them, walk through your garden to see where you should plant more of the vegetables you use more of, to increase your supply.  When you remove wild plants from the garden, look at the empty space you have, you could plant more vegetables even if that will be temporary.

Kitchen Garden 9-28-2019
Kitchen Garden 9-28-2019

When you are ready to plant or propagate, you know the spot to put the new plants.

After your fruit trees reach maturity, you will have a better idea where your vegetables will grow or if you could grow them around the base of the fruit trees.

Don’t wait for the perfect garden layout. Just start planting to start saving.

How to Layout your garden
Cut raspberries down around currant bush 8-7-22

How wide should be your garden beds?

If you can reach into the bed from both sides, you can make it 3-4 feet wide.

If you can reach into the garden bed from one side, it is a good idea to make it 2 feet wide.

Kitchen Garden 10-27-2019
Kitchen Garden 10-27-2019

Conclusion: Food Forest Garden Layout 2022?


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